The Gen Less ShopPack.

- EECA | Te Tari Tiaki Pūngao -
It’s an innovative and clever way to let customers know car emissions don’t have to be part of their lives.
— Kiri Hannifan, Countdown

Freeing kiwis from the shackles of their cars

A quick drive to the supermarket is a habit for most New Zealanders. In fact, trips under 2km, like quick ‘top-up’ shops make up 1/3 of all drives and burn up to 40% more fuel. Ducking out for a loaf of bread is doing more damage than you might think.

 To help New Zealanders say no to short car trips, we created the Gen Less ShopPack. A reusable shopping-bag-turned-backpack. It’s a simple, twist on the traditional bag design, repurposing the hand-held carry straps into shoulder straps – freeing you to walk, cycle, skate or scoot home. It’s more than a bag, it’s a life-hack. A liberating way to solve the dilemma of getting your shopping home, while reducing your emissions. On top of that, each one acts as a moving billboard – inspiring others to ditch their car too.

In partnership with Countdown, the Gen Less ShopPack is being distributed in Auckland and Wellington – intercepting shoppers at the moment of truth. So, now you can now throw your shopping on your back and help save the planet.

Countdown Wellington launch


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