Unite Against COVID-19.
- COVID-19 All-of-Government Response Group -
“A modern masterpiece of mass communication.”
“The most intelligently and sensitively designed public information programme in the pandemic. ”
A human response to a health crisis
Unite against COVID-19 is our collective story of how we united. It’s a design system centred around our people, not the virus.
A system that helped interpret complex changes, established daily routines, and created a consistent source of truth. A human response to a health crisis. Recognisable. Helpful. Empathetic. Kiwi.
It encouraged connection and hope. Gave us all reasons to hang on in there. Laughter when we needed it. Reminded us that the sacrifices were all worth it. And most importantly, it helped us mourn together, for the ones we lost.
The results speak volumes about the strength and resolution of the Kiwi spirit:
Campaign awareness reached 97%
Understanding of Alert Levels, 86%
Trust in government information, 88%
Together, we saved lives, with New Zealand achieving the lowest death rate per capita in the OECD.